Aug 25, 2014


Hello Everybody! For today I present to you this new stuff set. Like the title says it contains a bit of everything, like some of the previous post they are some items created but never got a chance to go out with their own set and style, from table to clocks and even pillows all you need for some nice decoration!
Hope you like it
Enjoy :)

Aug 5, 2014


Hello Everybody! For today I present to you this new clothing recolor. Some week ago I downloaded the Create a Sims demo for The Sims 4 ,and I found the style of the retail clothes bad looking and boring, so I made two type with some custom pattern a sweater and a evening dress. Of course this custom content won't work in The Sims 3 but I'll share it anyway and maybe they'll work once The Sims 4 is released.
Hope you like it.
Enjoy :)